Freedom Report™
Records and reports occupational/industrial audiograms
This powerful and easy to learn software package records, analyzes, and reports hearing testing results for in-house testing programs or service providers. Freedom Report™ was designed, programmed, and is used by a CAOHC certified occupational audiologist with over 35 years of industrial testing background. It has been refined from extensive user experience for more than 30 years. NOTE: These are preliminary specifications for the upcoming release of the all new version. Contact us for availability.
Features and Specifications
- Three versions are available to meet specific needs:
o Clinic/Mobile Provider – supports multiple locations
o Subcontractor – For reviewers who support other providers (separate databases)
- Configuration screens allow flexible user setup of many operating and decision parameters.
- Type of Hearing Conservation program, age correction, and impairment formula selection are selectable by individual site and individual employees.
- Optimized manual data entry. Import function for common data formats from previous vendors.
- EZ Assign™ Questionnaires with bar coded labels for employees to be tested, optionally sorted by department, greatly expedite testing.
- EZ Update™ is a semi-automated employee update feature making the annual chore of adding new employees and deleting terminated ones from your active list as quick and painless as possible.
- Data files are encrypted Microsoft Access. Automatic backup is supported and may be to removable or network drive.
- Telephone and Internet support by the program’s author.
- Conversion of existing audiometric data from other programs or sources is available. Call to discuss.
- Seamless integration with our Freedom™ multi-station wireless audiometers. Links to other microprocessor audiometers may be available through the data Import and Export functions.
- Reports may be printed or created as PDF files.
- Key reports:
o Automatic analysis identifies degree and shape of hearing loss, Standard Threshold Shifts, Persistent Threshold Shifts, Temporary shifts, and baseline improvements are identified. OSHA, MSHA, and British protocols supported. Optional automatic baseline revision.
o On-screen Professional Review displays a complete audiometric history plus calculated STS, STS average, and % impairment for each selected employee. Reviewer may override the automatic analysis. One or more recommendations may be selected with mouse clicks thus allowing rapid, paperless interpretation.
o Notification letters have user-definable wording based on test findings and reviewer recommendations. Current thresholds, baseline thresholds, audiogram, and signature line optionally printed. Supporting letters can be provided with Notifications recommending employee actions such as Medical or Audiological follow up. English or Spanish text per employee.
o Summary report uses user-definable text for introduction, equipment, and education sections.
o Recommendation action report provides handy reference and worksheet for employer follow-up.
o OSHA/MSHA Log report indicates action needed.
o Untested and Retest lists to assist followup.
o Individual history report details all tests of any employee. Useful for physician referral.
EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Windows 7 or newer.
PURCHASE: One year update and support included. Additional annual support/update service available. Price and specifications effective March 2015 and subject to change without notice.